Litany for Truth Tellers
Sunday Jan 17, 2021 - Epiphany 2 Year B 2021
By Fran Pratt
Y’all. I can’t make this up. This is the lectionary for this week.
Synopsis of 1 Samuel 3 and the preceding events:
Eli the priest has scoundrels for sons. His sons are, by their lineage, also priests; they are thieving and lying and raping - doing immeasurable damage to the priesthood and the nation - and Eli, though he pleads with them, cannot (will not?) control nor contain them. They are allowed to wreak havoc. A “man of God” gives Eli a message that his sons have doomed their whole family to destruction and penury.
Young Samuel is Eli’s acolyte. God isn’t often heard from, but one night Samuel hears a voice, which he and Eli figure out to be the voice of God. God gives Samuel a message: Eli’s family will be punished for the iniquity of the scoundrel sons - they’ll lose everything, confirming the other, earlier message.
Samuel is hesitant to tell his mentor the bad news - that injustice will and must be held accountable, if not by the priesthood, if not by the society, then by God; that the ones who have lied and thieved and assaulted WILL be held responsible. But he tells Eli the truth of the prophecy God has given him. Eli meets it with acceptance, and Samuel gains a reputation as a Truth-Teller.
Flip to the Gospel reading from John 1….
Jesus is in the process of gathering disciples. He’s got Philip, Andrew, and Peter. And from a distance he sees Nathanael. Jesus immediately identifies Nathanael as “an Israelite in whom there is no deceit,” as a Truth-Teller. Nathanael is a Truth-Teller and Jesus wants him.
Aaaand relate it to today...
Last week we had a mob, incited by the lies of political leaders and conspiracy theories, ransack the US Capitol, killing 5 humans, endangering countless others, and proving that years of lies and deceit are bearing evil fruit and that, like the sons of Eli, those responsible must be contained and held accountable lest they bring the whole country down into their eventual destruction. OK!
I wait to see what will be done. I pray that faith communities will awaken to their duty as Truth-Tellers. And that we, as individuals, will be those “in whom there is no deceit.” Our theology matters, and conflating the message and work of Christ with deceitful narratives of Christian Nationalism, Christo-fascism, White Supremacy, and violence is bad theology that leads to harm.
This litany is inspired by these texts, but I have thrown a lot of other references in.
God, we pray for our faith community,
As a whole and as individuals,
That we will have the courage to hold fast to truth,
Even when truth is inconvenient,
Even when truth convicts us,
Even when truth is difficult,
Even when truth is not what we’d hoped,
Even when truth is hard to tell (1).
Don’t let us get swept away by delusions, deceits, conspiracy theories, or cults.
Keep us from stumbling (2);
Keep our feet on the Path of Peace (3),
Don’t let evil overcome us (4)!
Don’t let ego run away with us.
Don’t let violence become our tool (5).
Help us to be faithful observers and listeners, with unclouded judgement,
Faithful doers of your word (6),
Faithful followers of Christ’s Way of Love,
Faithful, honest, transparent, humble speakers of truth.
And help us as we take a hard look at the theology we teach,
The messages we spread,
The actions we transmit,
Taking care that they adhere to Christ’s non-violent way,
And holding fast to the Peace of Christ,
Which is often disruptive, but never punitive or unloving (7).
May we be “wise as serpents
And innocent as doves,” (8)
Going about our lives attuned to the Divine,
Alert to the Spirit of God in each moment. Amen