Vineyard Canada Communal Fast January 20 _ 30, 2021
Day One & Two: Setting the Compass – A Call to Orientation & Consecration
Over the last several years a recurring text that the Spirit has led us to is Psalm 1. The Psalmist awakens in us the call and desire to be a people set apart and deeply rooted in the Lord and His ways. A major focus for us as a Canadian Vineyard Family this year, will be giving articulation to our view of Christology, so praying into what it means to be rooted and grounded as we begin this fast seems to be apropos. A parallel thought from the New Testament is: "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." (Colossians 2:7)
Just take these first couple of days of the fast to dial down. A key aspect of fasting is the practice of setting aside distraction and giving focus. Let your posture be more of a contemplative nature and engage with these texts from the perspective of Lectio Divina vs. that of study and textual engagement.
Throughout Wednesday and Thursday we invite you to find space to reflect on Psalm 1 in the morning and Colossians 2:7 in the afternoon. We also welcome you to join us as we begin each of these days with a communal prayer by Walter Brueggmann. We will be offering a few more of his prayers from His book “Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth” throughout the fast. These prayers provide us with a sense of common language as we move through these next days of journeying in prayer together.
A Communal prayer by Walter Brueggemann
God sovereign and generous
who commands the rise and fall of the nations,
who calls and has chosen many peoples,
who weeps when they harm each other,
who haunts every culture-including ours-
who draws close to the powerless and
surprises with power via weakness…
you are the one whom we praise in astonishment
we adore in gladness,
we thank in gratitude…
for who you are
for what you do,
for how you Hope.
Look with mercy on us this day
On all the churches we serve and love
On all the people we name
On all the communities so fragile in which
We are embedded.
Look with your mercy and we will obey you all the day long
In the name of Jesus who obeyed fully.
We will be gathering, weighing and collating what we sense the Spirit is speaking to us as a people throughout the fast, so we encourage you to send in those reflections and gleanings that you sense are from the Spirit to
We have also provided a link of one of our worship leaders Mark Stokes, from the Kelowna Vineyard, leading us in some musical worship.
Looking forward to all God has for us.
In Jesus,
The Foundations Team