The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ear attentive to their cries
~ Psalm 34:15 ~
Prayer allows us to be ready to cooperate with what the Spirit of God is initiating and where God is moving. It helps to align us with His way, with His heart, with His purpose. It enables us to stay in sync with the wind of His Spirit, helping us navigate the winds of life, of culture, of change, even when we’ve hit the doldrums where our own sails can feel so empty. It’s in this place of prayer that we gain perspective and catch a fresh glimpse of the One who has called us His own, something which we so need now!
It is critical for us in the Vineyard that our engagement in prayer is from this deep place of rest. Hebrews 4 makes it clear that from this place we approach the Throne of Grace confident that we will receive all that we need. Charis Rousu, who with her husband Nathan are our National Catalysts in the area of prayer, which we lovingly call PULSE, reminds us as we enter this time that as we do this together, “we practice surrender and devotion to the One who fully knows and fully loves.” This is so critical in shaping our perspective. Our prayers are not transactional, designed to get guaranteed results. Neither are they formulaic.
Though prayer touches a variety of expressions, “petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving” as noted by Paul, it is born and sustained in the exchange of unabashed love and devotion. As Jesus told us, we are not engaged in empty repetition, nor are we to be hypocritical - as the Greek illumines, “play acting” - as we pray, but to be deeply authentic. Real. Relational.
As we all lean into this time of waiting and listening beginning the morning of the January 13th-23 we would love for you to engage with us in the following ways;
May God meet us as we set aside this time to pray and listen!
Grace & Peace
David & Anita