Kate Bentham is volunteering as the
Team Lead. She facilitates the leadership of the Core Team (whose role is similar to that of elders) as they pray and set the vision, values and culture for the community. Team members are all volunteers and have had varying degrees of experience working with/volunteering within the local church. Each individual has experienced and overcome a variety of successes and failures.
All three core families live full lives and volunteer leading the Table. We go to work, take care of children, and are involved in a number of engaging activities. We have large families, immediate and extended, with varying degrees of need. We have chosen to engage with our neighbors and are involved in volunteering with charities, both locally and nationally. We strive for balance in all we do (without necessarily always succeeding!). In a nutshell, life is never dull.
The Core Team
Blair and Kate Bentham
Brian and Joyce Doerksen
Neal and June Black
The Strategy Team is currently made up of 3 of the 6 Core Team members, Kate Bentham, Neal Black and Brian Doerksen. The role of this team is to set guidelines on how to functionally put into practice the Table’s vision and values in order to best facilitate the culture and growth of the community. This team will be added to as necessary.